The Greatest Wealth Is Health!

According to Dr Lydia Hazam:childhood obesity is already the leading cause of sustained high blood pressure in children. I was reading an article were it was stated that 1 out of 2 children will develop heart disease, and that by 12,70% of all american children have developed beginning stages of hardening of the arteries.
The American Heart Association states that among American children ages 2-19, the following are overweight or obese, using the 95th percentile or higher of body mass index (BMI) values on the CDC 2000 growth chart:

For non-Hispanic whites, 31.9 percent of males and 29.5 percent of females.

For non-Hispanic blacks, 30.8 percent of males and 39.2 percent of females.

For Mexican Americans, 40.8 percent of males and 35.0 percent of females.

Dr.William Sears author of The Healthiest Kids In The Neghborhood states in his book that obese children suffer more headaches, learning disabilitiees and emotional problems than children of normal weight.

We as parents have to make to make sure our children stay healthy and live longer lives by providing a more healthier diet. Listed are some book references to assisst with your childrens health.

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